Pathfinder Project

A joint project between WMRSASC and Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust.

We offer support to people, aged 18+, impacted by sexual violence, who are struggling with complex mental health needs.

We have a range of specialist support options to suit the individual’s need. These include:

  • Peer support groups – 6 weekly sessions for survivors to meet and support each other, facilitated by our team
  • Psychoeducation groups – 12 weekly sessions in a group where people feel comfortable as they share and work towards healing and recovery. The sessions cover a range of topics and discussions offering information and strategies to manage the impact of sexual violence
  • 1:1 support – to aid stabilisation, including: advocacy, 1:1 psychoeducation, emotional support and counselling
  • Specialist assessments by NHS psychologists
  • Trauma informed training –  offered to all professionals, introduction to sexual violence and understanding trauma informed practice.​

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